Perhaps we are longing to free the old gods of soil and grain and leopard skins from the institutions our need for a sanitised and tidy spirituality has trapped them in, or all-together buried them under.
"Gabriela is a mistress of transformation."
Liz Granfort · Life Coach · Boston, USA
"I cannot recommend Gabriela’s classes highly enough. To me there is no doubt she is amongst the great teachers on this Earth."
Noora Al Qassimi · United Nations Lawyer · Abu Dhabi, UAE
"Gabriela is an incredible teacher. She masterfully creates learning environments in which students learn profound wisdom while also training us in powerful experiential techniques that help in the cultivation of spiritual sovereignty. To top it off, she achieves all of this with a healthy dose of sacred levity, compassion, and feminine fierceness mixed with gentle humility."
Gabriela de Golia · Tarot Reader · Connecticut, USA
"Gabriela is a flowing fountain of poetry, quotes, anecdotes and thought provoking personal philosophies."
Britt Seel · Costume Designer · South Africa

Gabriela Gutierrez is a Spanish/Welsh writer, ritualist and independent scholar of mythology and the history of religion. Her work is focused on the revival of ancient knowledge, and her research excavates the animistic, once-universal worldview before religion became institutionalised.
Gabriela travels to ancient sites and traditional cultures, and shares her findings on her Substack publication Under a Fig Tree. She teaches a unique blend of intellectual and experiential courses based on her research.
Follow Gabriela's work on Instagram: @honeyedways